Why You Should Hire Senior Moving Services

Moving houses is challenging for individuals of any age. But, for seniors, it becomes an uphill task to execute independently, as it requires prolonged preparation, a lot of heavy lifting, and major lifestyle changes, as reported by the Age Action Alliance. However, the process can be streamlined by hiring senior moving services who can undertake all major responsibilities relating to your relocation. In this article by Windermere Group One, we’ll explore the various benefits senior moving professionals will provide you and why you should hire one.

Movers Bring Years of Experience

Through their years in the business, movers will have assisted hundreds of seniors to move into new homes. Additionally, they can help you set timelines, provide a roadmap of what to expect in the future, address all your concerns, and help you move in the most affordable streamlined way possible.

Movers Will Save You Time

Decluttering and packing a home can take anywhere from days to weeks. If you live in a large home, trying to pack everything yourself can seem like a daunting task. With movers in the picture, you can reduce time substantially, and avoid doing any of the heavy lifting.

Additionally, if needed, movers can bring in their tools and packing material. All you’ll need to do is instruct them how you want things packed and it’ll be done.

Movers Have Many Connections

If you are downsizing, you will not be able to move a major chunk of your belongings into the new home. Using their connections, movers can help you donate belongings to appropriate organizations. Moreover, if you choose to have a garage sale, your mover can help promote it in the local community and online to ensure a strong turnout.

In addition to hiring movers, you can also opt to work with a senior move manager. As reported by Parent Giving, these are professionals who help seniors with the logistic and emotional support needed to have a positive moving experience.

Undertake Coordination

With numerous moving companies on the market, it can become difficult to choose the one best for your needs. Post-consultation, a senior move manager can provide you with a shortlist of options and undertake the responsibility of managing all communication with movers.

Additionally, they can handle the following responsibilities as well:

  • Termination of utilities at your current home
  • Set up utilities in your new home prior to moving
  • Submit your new address to all concerned stakeholders such as banks, lenders, tax agencies, Social Security administration, and more.

Help Move with Dignity

Moving out of a home where one has lived for decades can be a tough emotional experience. Younger members of your family who are accustomed to frequent house hopping may lack the understanding to empathize with such a situation. A senior move manager can be your pillar of support during these times, by helping you decide which belongings to keep, creating a positive mindset, and providing innovative solutions to problems.

Assist in Settling into the New Home

Transitioning into a new home will understandably take time, however, your manager can help you take care of all the following necessities:

  • Unpacking: By making a layout plan for your home, you’ll be able to instruct movers exactly how and where to unpack belongings, making the space liveable from the get-go.
  • Security: Post-move, it is important to re-key locks to prevent unforeseen circumstances. Your manager can help hire an Angi locksmith, who on average costs between $50-$150.
  • Exploring: Becoming familiar with your neighborhood will help you settle in faster. This includes understanding proximity to amenities such as shopping malls, grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants, parks, gardens, etc.

When it comes to moving as a senior, it’s best to delegate responsibility as much as possible. With a senior moving manager by your side, you can be assured of having a smooth and easy moving experience. Moreover, post-move, your manager will still serve you as a great resource to settle in and adjust to your new lifestyle.

By Andrea Needham of eldersday.org

Andrea Needham

March 22nd, 2022

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