Selling During a Winter Wonderland

Spring and summer might get the most attention from the market, but selling during those seasons isn’t feasible for some sellers. Sure, those pictures will look magazine front cover ready with the sun shining gloriously along the roofline and the blue skies appearing so flawless the use of a filter would be useless. It’s certainly not impossible to sell during the winter seasons, and with a little extra preparation, you’ll find the market just as favorable as it would have been in warmer times.

Keep the Snow Out of the Way

In our area, snow is virtually inevitable. How much your home receives depends on where you live, but nonetheless, we all have to drive a little more slowly and double up on the winter gear when it arrives. As for your home, remember to keep the snow off all the main walkways up to the front door. You may prefer to park inside the garage and go inside that way, but most potential buyers won’t be using that same route.

The same applies to any outdoor entertainment areas. Keeping decks and patios unobstructed helps buyers to envision the space sans the cold weather and grim skies. It might seem like an extra step but remember, future buyers will be living there year-round, not just in the winter.

Salt Wherever You Walk

It’s not uncommon for temperatures to dip below freezing and turn wet driveways and walking paths into accidents waiting to happen. Avoid any mishaps by simply sprinkling some salt onto those walkways you’ve cleared with snow and feel at ease when the showings for your property begin to get scheduled. Buyers may even feel more compelled to place an offer since the memory they’ll have of your home is the convenience with which they were able to access the property.

Bright, Light, and Cozy

If you’re not able to repaint walls inside your home, not to worry. Leaving curtains and blinds open in each room brings that extra light inside to make rooms appear larger and more inviting. An added bonus? All that light brings warmth inside your home, literally and figuratively. Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature ensures a pleasant viewing experience for buyers, so crank up the thermostat just a tad and get the fireplace going.

Stick to Daytime Showings

One of the pitfalls of the colder months is the loss in daylight hours. If possible, aim to schedule showings for your home during the times the sun is still up. Showing during those hours provides the best opportunity to show off your home in optimal lighting. As touched upon in the previous tip, utilizing light to the greatest extent is key for when the weather isn’t the best. Daytime showings also allow for buyers to more accurately see your home in person, particularly if you don’t live down a residential street with lots of streetlights.

Avoid Too Many Scents in the Air

As well meaning as you might be, those evergreen plug-ins all throughout the house don’t exactly send the signal you think they might be. Oftentimes, buyers stepping into a home with an abundance of aromas floating through the air think what that overbearing smell is trying to mask. Instead, bake a batch of cookies. Not only will the scent of freshly-baked cookies wear off over time but also be far more inviting. Besides, who doesn’t love the smell of cookies?

Windermere Group One

December 15th, 2020

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